Obtaining a Georgian Driving License for Foreigners

Obtaining a Georgian Driving License for Foreigners

Obtaining a Georgian Driving License for Foreigners

Georgia, with its breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and welcoming atmosphere, is a destination that attracts travelers from around the globe. While exploring this beautiful country, you might find yourself wanting to hit the open road and experience its beauty at your own pace. To do so, you'll need a valid driver's license.

If you're a foreigner planning to drive in Georgia, you'll need to understand the requirements and procedures for obtaining a Georgian driving license. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, providing essential information and tips to ensure a smooth and successful experience.

Types of Driving Licenses Available for Foreigners

Georgia offers two main options for foreigners seeking a driving license:

  • International Driving Permit (IDP): This temporary permit allows you to drive in Georgia using your existing foreign driver's license, but it's only valid for a limited period (usually 1 year). An IDP is a translation of your existing driver's license into multiple languages and is not a replacement for your original license. You can obtain an IDP from your home country's automobile association before traveling to Georgia.
  • Georgian Driving License: If you plan to stay in Georgia for an extended period or wish to drive long-term, you can apply for a full Georgian driving license. This license is valid for 10 years and allows you to drive legally throughout Georgia.

Requirements for Obtaining a Georgian Driving License

To obtain a Georgian driving license, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Valid Passport: Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Georgia.
  • Valid Foreign Driver's License: You must have a valid driver's license issued by your home country.
  • Visa (if required): If your nationality requires a visa for entry into Georgia, you must have a valid visa.
  • Proof of Residency: You will need to provide documentation proving your legal residency in Georgia. This could include a residence permit, a lease agreement, or other official documents.
  • Medical Certificate: You'll need to obtain a medical certificate from a Georgian doctor confirming your fitness to drive. This certificate is usually valid for six months.
  • Theory and Practical Driving Exams: You must pass both theory and practical driving exams conducted in Georgian.
  • Language Proficiency: While not explicitly stated, it's highly recommended to have at least basic Georgian language skills, as the exams and communication with officials will be in Georgian.

Steps to Obtain a Georgian Driving License

The process for obtaining a Georgian driving license involves the following steps:

  1. Register at a Driving School: Choose a reputable driving school in Georgia and register for their driving course. The course will include theory lessons and practical driving sessions.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Once you've completed the driving course, assemble all necessary documents, including your passport, driver's license, visa (if applicable), proof of residency, and medical certificate.
  3. Submit Application: Visit the Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to submit your application and required documents. You can find the nearest MIA branch online or by contacting the agency directly.
  4. Take Theory and Practical Exams: After your application is processed, you'll be scheduled for the theory and practical driving exams. The theory exam tests your knowledge of traffic rules and regulations in Georgian. The practical exam assesses your driving skills on the road.
  5. Receive Your License: Upon successfully passing both exams, you will receive your Georgian driving license.

Tips for Obtaining a Georgian Driving License

Here are some valuable tips to make the process smoother:

  • Start Early: Allow ample time for the entire process, as it can take several weeks or even months to complete.
  • Choose a Reputable Driving School: Research and select a driving school with a good reputation and experienced instructors.
  • Practice Georgian Traffic Rules: Familiarize yourself with the Georgian Traffic Code, which you can find online or at the MIA website.
  • Be Prepared for the Exams: Study thoroughly for the theory exam and practice driving in Georgian conditions to prepare for the practical exam.
  • Be Patient and Persistent: The process can be bureaucratic, so patience and persistence are crucial. Don't hesitate to ask for clarification or assistance if needed.


Obtaining a Georgian driving license for foreigners can be a challenging but achievable process. By understanding the requirements, following the steps outlined above, and embracing the Georgian driving culture, you can navigate the roads of this beautiful country with confidence and enjoy all it has to offer.

Remember, driving safely is paramount. Always follow the traffic rules, be aware of your surroundings, and drive responsibly to ensure a pleasant and memorable driving experience in Georgia.

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